As part of its ongoing efforts to expand the Back on Track Stakeholder Network, the YES Forum recently organised a meeting that brought together diverse organisations from Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, and a youth-led European network of young people from rural areas. The goal: to introduce the Back on Track project and unite forces in supporting young NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) from rural areas. 

During the meeting, YES Forum's project officers outlined Back on Track's key objectives and expected impact, explaining the project’s unique approach. At its core, the initiative aims to empower NEET youth and activate them to engage with their local environments. The emphasis on rural areas is crucial, as these regions often lack the infrastructure and resources available to urban youth, making it harder for young people to access education, employment, and training opportunities.  

Representatives from LAG Jugendsozialarbeit Baden-Württemberg and Agapedia (DE), SolidarityWorks Foundation (BG), Nevo Parudimos (RO) and the Rural Youth Europe network shared their insights, drawing on a wealth of expertise in working with NEET youth, particularly in Eastern Europe, where the challenges can often be more acute due to social and economic factors. They represented the experience of grass-root civil organisations, public institutions and international networks working with young people.  

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