Young people from different backgrounds were brought together by the READY partners, coming from Croatia, France, Germany, Greece and Italy. During a week, participants got an insight on the European Union and its functioning, as well as some tips to design attractive infographics.

The training was designed to provide participants with the necessary knowledge to achieve the next steps in the READY project. However, the young participants learned and discovered a lot more as it was the first time abroad and/or participating in such an international meeting for many of them.


The READY project is all about making the European Union easier to understand for young people all over Europe. To achieve this objective, young people are involved in translating EU treaties into a “youth-accessible language”, and will also design infographics about EU policies themselves! This participatory approach will ensure the results are understandable to youth, the READY participants’ own peers.

The target of the project is especially young disadvantaged people all over Europe, who often lack knowledge about the EU. That is why this first training focused on helping the participants understanding the European Union and its policies.

Discover more about the training and the READY project