Inclusive societies are those that, among others, provide a sense of belonging and acceptance, promote diversity and offer opportunities where individuals can contribute to the community. To achieve that, citizenship is also invaluable, as citizens shall be participatory community members. However, citizenship has become yet another area of exclusion. Numerous initiatives attempt to promote political participation and raise awareness of the importance of active citizenship. However, there is a lack of knowledge and applied methods to integrate diversity approaches in non-formal educational concepts. That’s why young people with vulnerable backgrounds are still underrepresented.
This project aims to reinforce links between policy, research and practice for youth. Therefore, youth work practitioners, educators, or other professionals working with young people from YES Forum and ESN will explore “political simulation games”, as a powerful tool designed to involve youngsters in “make-believe” politics to teach them the functioning of political institutions, while promoting their civic participation.
The practitioners will apply a peer-learning approach, bringing together young people from diverse backgrounds who otherwise would not meet and learn together. Involved practitioners are recruited by the YES Forum and ESN the project ensures that young university students work together with young people facing multiple challenges and struggling to finish school, for a more inclusive political simulation.
By introducing and testing this peer-learning approach, youth work practitioners will apply a two-way, reciprocal, and mutually beneficial learning activity through which young people from diverse backgrounds interact, collaborate and learn from each other. Youth work practitioners will facilitate this process by forming tandem partners between university students and young people struggling in their educational pathway.
The project will follow 2 cycles; the 1st cycle will focus shaping a learning framework addressing diversity backgrounds of young people and getting familiar with European legislation, the 2nd cycle will implement an inclusive simulation game. By doing so, youth work practitioners will develop an inclusive simulation game engaging young people outside their own social and educational bubbles.
Project details:
Action: Erasmus+ KA210-YOU - Small-scale partnerships in youth
Project coordinator: YES Forum
Duration: 2023 - 2024